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sabato 11 gennaio 2020

Greetings from Ireland

This post is in English language, because it contains an email received from a young researcher, living in Ireland. We would like to invite this friend, as well as other English-speaking people interested into our topics, to join to us leaving their comments. 

I also would like to invite Italian readers to make an effort to express themself in English, to allow an effective interaction with our friends outside of Italy. It's a bit harder, but it might be worth to ...

Arcana Ricordo

Greetings from Ireland
by F. C.

Following a promise I made some time ago, I wish to give an answer to an interesting message received by F. C. (complete name is hidden for privacy reasons). 

I received his permission to publish entirely the interesting message he sent me, soon after my observation that the most important sites of Christian religion are all lined up, along an incredible  ley line:
  • Lalibela, 
  • Vatican City, 
  • Turin Duomo, where the Sacred Shroud is held, 
  • the Chartres Cathedral,
  • the Limerick city in Ireland.

The Christian Ley Line
Here is the core of his message.

Dear Arcana, 

  I want to first of all thank you for your work, it is very professionally done and information is clearly presented. It has resonated with me on many different levels. My research is concerned with Ireland and it's connection to the sacred site of Lalibela. 

  Irish & Ethiopian mythology have more in common than you may think. 

  The Ethiopians have managed to hold onto more strands of truth than here in Ireland where our origins and heritage have been almost obliterated, with very little information remaining after the deception and destruction caused by the foreign agents of the Vatican (Amunist priesthood from Heliopolis) who came and stole many ancient manuscripts of the Early Christian monks. 

  These Early Christian monks transcribed lots of druidic teachings and knowledge that had been passed on orally for centuries. The national emblem of Ireland is the Harp, as the Irish in ancient times believed themselves to be descendants of King David. Davidic energies are prevalent again in these times of chaos. One can see King David as an embodiment of the Holy Fool (Tarot). 

Tarot - The Fool

  David is an entertainer, he was small, he danced he played music, he acquainted with ruffians and thieves, he married other peoples wives, he was an altogether brilliant, but very unorthodox figure. 

King David playing Harp

The Harp, Symbol of Ireland

  His archetype is relevant in these times as we must pay attention to the role of the fool in these times of Chaos, for example Kanye West? 

  In Irish folklore it is said that the Davidic throne was transferred to Ireland after the destruction of Jerusalem at the hands of the Babylonian King Nebuchenzzar. His throne was transferred in the form of his bloodline (Princess Tephi) his Harp, his teachings (prophet Jeremiah), the Acasia Ark as well as the coronation stone of Beit El. 

Jaqub had a vision of the Stair,
while he was laying on Beit El stone

   This stone was used to crown the Irish Kings who carried the Divine right of David. The stone was subsequently stolen and taken to Scotland and then Westminister Abbey and was used to crown all of the British Rulers including Elizabeth II in 1952. 

Westminister Abbey Throne

Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II - 1952

  Ireland clearly embodies the archetype of the Fool. It's known for music, dancing, singing and storytelling. We tend to behave in an unorthodox manner and can be quite foolish in business and politics... 

   I think Ireland will play an important role in the 2020 solstice, a lthough I still have not found any celestial alignments to give me verification. What I do know is that the Irish Prime Minister visited Lalibela in ceremonial preparation for this 2020 eclipse last year: 
   Similarly the ethiopian/rastafari use the Lion of Judah to indicate their lineage to King Solomon. Both Solomon and David were of the tribe of Judah. 

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Lions of Judah

  The Temple of King Lalibela came to be after the King had a dream of rebuidling Jerusalem in Ethiopia as the 2nd Zion after the destruction of Jerusalem during the Babylonian invasion. The Ethiopians believe that the Ark of the Covenant that was kept in Solomons temple and was brought to Ethiopia.

  The Lalibela temple houses a replica of the Ark of Covenant in it's inner sanctum. Similarly, Irish myth tells of how the prophet jeremiah, brought the Davidic throne along with the Ark of the Covenant to the Hill of Tara. I do not know if the Ark of the Covenant is a physical or symbolic item, but it is very well connected in myth to both Lalibela & Tara. 

   I was hoping you might know of some information that would help me connect the dots with the research I have been doing on the Tara/Lalibela connection? [...]

   If you would like me to elaborate on any parts of this information, let me know, I hope it interests you. 

  Thanks, F.C.

Even though at the moment I don't have any real answer for out friend, I hope that the comments to this post might be a useful meeting place to exchange ideas and allow new ideas to come along. 

Instead, I have some questions for F.C., for which I would be grateful for an answer in comments: 

  1. why do you think that Irish Prime Minister visit in Lalibela is someway connected with 2020 solstice eclipse?
  2. it seems that the official records on the Beit El stone do not confirm that the stone was stolen: why are you so certain about this interesting idea?
  3. I had no idea that Lalibela was the site of a copy of the Ark of Covenant. could you please provide some more informations?

Thank you!


Update Jan 25th, 2020

Dear Arcana, 

  I've just discovered proof that the Irish Prime Minister was visiting Lalibela for the alignment. The Irish prime minster visited the Irish Troops in Mali who are fighting the Dogon Militia, before his visit to Lalibela.

  When you stand in the Lough Gur Stone circle on the 10th of January you will see Sirius rise at the azimuth of 118.

  But Sirius rises from the direction of Lalibela to Limerick Ireland, every day.

  The reason why the 10th of January is important, is because it is the day of the celestial conception, the Venus Sirius aligment.

Dendera Temple, Luxor Egypt

  View of Venus Rising from Limerick, Ireland. Is that enough evidence for question 1? 

  Thanks, F.C.

1 commento:

Fionan ha detto...

Dear Arcana,
1. I do not have any conclusive evidence that proves the Irish Prime Minister was at Lalibela in preparation for the 2020 Solstice. However, it is always important to play close attention to the movements and actions of key public figures and the, often, unusual places they visit. Lalibela sits on an energy line that passes through Ireland and there are similarities in Irish & Ethiopian claims to be descendants of the Judite Bloodline via Solomon/David.
I don't have any evidence linking his visit to the Solstice specifically. It's more of a hypothesis at this stage.
However, his presence their at this time was no doubt, a significant signal.
Another example would be Queen Elizabeth's visit to St. Michaels Mount at Marazion in 2013, a very significant place in the context of this research.
2. The Stone of Scone was stolen from Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day 1950 by Ian Hamilton. It was then returned to Abbroath Abbey in 1951 and taken back to Westminster for Queen Elizabeth's ii coronation in 1952.
In 1996, a replica of, the stone was formally given back to Scotland, which is currently kept in Edinburgh Castle.
3. The Ethiopians believe themselves to have Judite blood, because in antiquity their queen Bathsheba seduced King Solomon and brought the Holy Grail bloodline back to Ethiopia when she gave birth to Solomons first son Menelik. According to the Kebra Nagast, it was Menelik who took the Ark of Covenant from the Temple Mount and brought it to Ethiopia.